

1. “人类一思考,上帝就发笑。”
"Man is so thinking, God is laughing."

2. “生活就像一本书,我们总是在第一页就看到结局。”
"Life is like a book, we always see the end on the first page."

3. “自由不是你想做什么就做什么,而是你想不做什么就可以不做什么。”
"Freedom is not what you want to do, but what you can do without wanting to do it."

4. “我们承受的负担越重,我们的自由就越少。”
"The heavier the burden we carry, the less freedom we have."

5. “我们的人生就是由我们的决定和偶然所构成的。”
"Our life is made up of our decisions and accidents."

6. “只有那些永远躺在坑里的人,才不会掉进坑里。”
"Only those who stay in the hole never fall into it."

7. “孤独并不可怕,可怕的是孤独的滋味。”
"Loneliness is not terrible, what is terrible is the taste of loneliness."

8. “我们承受的负担越重,我们的自由就越少。我们承受的幸福越多,我们的自由就越多。”
"The heavier the burden we carry, the less freedom we have. The more happiness we experience, the more freedom we have."